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8 Little-Known Facts About Labour Recruiting Firms

We've all heard the same story: a friend or family member gets a job through a labour recruiting firm, only to find out later that their promised wages aren't being paid.

The company has gone under, and now the recruiter is nowhere to be found. In this post I'll share eight little-known facts about Labour Hire in Melbourne firms that will help you avoid these kinds of situations in your own career search.

  • You Are an Investment

The first and most important fact to remember is that you are an investment. If a labour recruiting firm finds you a job, they want to make a profit from that investment. They want to see a return on their time, money, and energy spent on finding the right candidate for your position. This means if you haven’t been in touch with them for several weeks after being employed, they will drop checking up on you as soon as possible!

The second thing to remember is that Fast Labour Hire in Melbourne firms are not bound by any laws when it comes to paying taxes or providing benefits such as health insurance or retirement plans like many companies do (with exceptions). So if you think that working at one of these companies is going to get paid more than being self-employed or working elsewhere—think again!

  • We Are Human Recruiters, Not Robots

It’s easy to think of us as robots—well, as much as a recruiter can be a robot. And if we were robots, then there would be no need for you to read this article. But we are not robots and neither are our clients. Sometimes we make mistakes or pass over qualified candidates because they don’t fit into our preconceived notions about what makes someone good at their job (like being outgoing).

  • Hiring Is a Long Process

In addition to the time it takes for the hiring process to begin, there is also the fact that you may not be able to fill your position immediately. The hiring process is more complicated than simply placing an ad and getting applicants. It involves a lot of negotiation with candidates, as well as due diligence in making sure they are right for your company.

  • It's Not Just About the Money

But don't let the money fool you. There are plenty of other factors to consider when looking for a job. For example, if you're a single parent who needs flexible hours so that you can pick up your kids from daycare or school, then the option with the highest salary is not necessarily going to be your best bet.

This is why it's important to have some other priorities in mind as well—what do you need? What does your family need? And it doesn’t hurt to ask yourself what truly matters: money, or something else?

  • Expectations Aren't Always Met

In addition to being fair, it is also important to be realistic. If a job is not exactly what you expected when you applied for it, then there's a chance that the company will not be exactly what you expected either.

The following are some things that have happened when expectations weren't met:

  • Sometimes a company will change their mind and cancel the contract. If this happens, the recruiter will try to find a new client for you. If they can't find a new client, they will give you a refund.*

  • Companies Can Change Their Minds- Even at the Last Minute

  • Companies Can Change Their Minds- Even at the Last Minute

  • The wage was lower than expected and the hours were longer than expected

  • The duties were different from what was discussed in interviews or during training (and sometimes these differences were significant)

  • There were multiple responsibilities assigned at once that required more work with little extra compensation

  • We Have Your Back

Your relationship with your recruiter is the most important part of your job search. It’s through them that you can get to know the company, and they are the ones who have your best interests in mind. They’re also the ones who will tell you if there is anything wrong with your application or any concerns that might prevent you from getting hired.

So how do you ensure that this relationship gets off on the right foot? If possible, try to meet up in person so that both parties can get a sense of each other's personalities and work ethic before deciding on each other as partners for life (or at least until the end of this contract). If this isn't possible, then try emailing back and forth until both parties feel comfortable enough with each other's personalities, etcetera—just don't send an unsolicited dick pic!

  • There's More Than One Kind of Recruiter Out There

This is important because your labour recruiter will likely be the first person you meet in your new position, so it's important to make sure they will be a good fit for you and your organisation.

One thing to keep in mind with this is that there are different types of labour recruiters out there. Some are more experienced than others, some are more specialised than others (for example, if you're looking for a chef or baker), some are more expensive than others (don't let this deter you from using them though! Sometimes paying a little more now can save money later). It's important to think about what kind of experience and expertise you need for this particular job search before choosing who will be working on finding candidates for yourselves.


We hope that these insights have helped you better understand Labour Hire Melbourne firms and the way they work. Remember that just because a recruiter has failed to find a candidate for one job doesn't mean they'll fail at finding candidates for others.

In fact, many of us are good at matching candidates with jobs based on their skillset or experience level rather than their current employment status. So if you're looking for work but haven't been able to find anything yet? Don't give up! There are plenty of other opportunities out there waiting for you...all it takes is patience and perseverance :)

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